Striking off the row in ExtJS grid

Sometimes you need to strike off a row in ExtJS grids, this can be easily done by CSS code. The CSS code will look like this, .strike-through-row { text-decoration: none; background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent 7px,#6F6B6B 7px,#6F6B6B 9px,transparent 9px); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(transparent 7px,#6F6B6B 7px,#6F6B6B 9px,transparent 9px); background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(transparent 7px,#6F6B6B 7px,#6F6B6B 9px,transparent 9px); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(transparent 7px,#6F6B6B 7px,#6F6B6B 9px,transparent 9px); background-image: … Continue reading Striking off the row in ExtJS grid

Select first record of the combo-box in ExtJS

Many times we have requirement where we want to select the first record by default in a combo-box. For this, when the combo-box renders then run this code // function to give the combobox a default value Ext.getStore('StoreName').on('load',function(store) {     var combo = Ext.getCmp('combo_box_id');; }); Happy Coding. 🙂